1. At which station did the blind girl get into the train ?

Ans- The blind girl get into the train Rohana, station.

2. Who saw the blind girl off at Rohana station ?

Ans- The couple who saw her off were probably her parents blind girl of at Rohana station.

 3. When did the train being to move out of Rohan station ?

Ans- After the parents of blind girl had called hair Goodbyes, the train  beyan to move out of Rohana station.

4. How did the blind narrator make an idea that the girl wore slippers ?

Ans-The blind narrator made an idea that the girl wore slippers from the Sound they produced against her heels .

5.who would receive the blind girl that tha destination ?

Ans- The aunt of the blind girl world receive at the destination

6.With that were the hills of Mussoorie covered in October ?

Ans- In October . The Hills of Mussoorie were covered with wild dahlias .

7. Why were the roads quite and deserted in mussoorie in October ?

Ans- In October, the roads in Mussoorie were quiet and deserted because most of the tourists had Gone then.

8. Why did the narrator move easily to the window ledge ?

Ans- The narrator moved easily to the window ledge to pretend that he was looking outside.

9. why was the narrator lucky, according to the girl ?

Ans- according to the girl, the narrator was lucky because he would be able to enjoy the beauty of the mussoorie hills.

10. How are the aunts by nature, according to the narrator ?

Ans:- According to the narrator, the aunts are usually formidable by nature.

11. what did the narrator remark about the girl face ?

Ans:-The narrator remarked that the girl had an interesting face .

12. What was the girl tired of ?

Ans: The girl was tired of people telling her that she had pretty face .

13. What does the girl opine about her own face ?

Ans:- The girl opined she was tired of being told that she had pretty face.