1."They seemed very anxious about her comfort"-- who are anxious? Whose comfort is referred to here ? When and that did the speaker suggest for her comfort ?

2.Oh, how lucky you are !"-- who is the speaker here ? Who is 'you' referred to here? Why is the person spoken to be called Lucky ? 1+1+4=6

3.The boys had the sparkle of a mountain stream"-- who thinks so so? Whose voice is referred to here ? Why did the voice Become so special ?

4. "Then I made a mistake"- what mistake did the speaker make? Why was it a mistake? What remove the speaker's doubt ? What did the speaker do then ?

I am giving two more questions because keeping them up to 80% can lead to tests

5. Describe the exchange between Ruskin Bond and his late process on the train ?

6. Eyes, this is the best time"- who is speaker ?  What time is reffered to in the line ? Why according to the narrator it is the best time ?