What is a computer ?
How to start a computer ?
Board switch on - UPS switch on - CPU switch on
What is hardware ?
Touchable electronics component inside for a computer
Ram, hard disk, motherboard etc.
Input unit
Input unit device is switched as a device by which a user can dive into the instructions of the computer system like motherboard, Mouse ,light print.
System unit and memory:-
Memory is the port of the computer system, which can Store the data. It is divided into two categories -
Primary memory -.
Ram Rom is an example of primary memory which is directly accessed by the process. It can store less amount of data compared to secondary memory. A primary memory is used for storing the data temporarily .
Secondary memory
The secondary memory cannot be accessed directly by the processor, it can be used to store the data permanently.
Hard dick, CD, DVD, are the explain of secondary memory.
কম্পিউটার ভাইরাস নাম
Name of computer virus
Jerusalem - 1987
Morris - 1988
Solar Sunrise -1988
Melissa - 1999
Monmouth - int